Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 to 4:30. This office is closed on holidays. We recommend you call to set an appointment to avoid the possibility of a wait in the lobby and to allow for a review for required documentation you will need to bring to your appointment.
Transportation to VA Medical Appointments
This office transports veterans to the VA clinics in Findlay, Toledo and Sandusky and to the VA Medical Centers in Ann Arbor and Cleveland, Monday through Friday. We do ask you to make every effort to schedule your appointments between 9:00 until 1:00. You must allow 48 working hours in order for office personnel to coordinate your pick up time and allow for communication of details for your trip. All transportation is dependent upon driver availability. The drivers are on the road daily. You will need to leave a message for them with the following information, your name, telephone number, date of appointment and time and which clinic it is scheduled for. A driver will call you back before your appointment to coordinate your pick up time.
Benefit Spotlight: Ohio War Orphans Scholarship
The Ohio War Orphans Scholarship Program awards tuition assistance to the children of deceased or severely disabled Ohio veterans who served in the armed forces during a period of declared war or conflict. To receive War Orphans Scholarship benefits, a student must be enrolled for full-time undergraduate study and pursuing an associate or bachelor's degree at an eligible Ohio college or university. Ohio residency is required. Applicants must be under the age of 25. Scholarship benefits cover a portion of instructional and general fee charges at two and four-year public institutions and a portion of these charges at eligible private colleges and universities. The application deadline is May 15th of every year. The deadline for the 2025-2026 academic year is May 15, 2025. A complete application MUST be received or postmarked by May 15th in order to be considered for the scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year.
The deadline to obtain tickets to the Vietnam Commemorative Dinner has passed. This office must finalize details for the dinner and no further tickets will be issued.

We are here to answer your questions. Please call to set an appointment. This will afford you an opportunity to speak with a staff member to ensure your bring the correct documentation with you to your appointment. This will assist in completion of paperwork to obtain the benefits you seek!

Seneca County Veterans Service Commission
The Veterans Service Commission in Seneca County operates under the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, Title 59 and has been in existence since 1886. The Commission oversees the operation of the Veterans Service Office, which is staffed at this time by four full time office employees, one full time driver, and three part time drivers.
Since 1946, the commission has employed County Veterans Service Officers who provide various services to veterans and their eligible dependents.
In addition to the basic services outlined here, the Veterans Service Office also works closely with various other agencies, both in the county and elsewhere, to ensure that eligible clients receive all of the benefits and services to which they are entitled.
Our Purpose
Our sole purpose is to help our veterans, their dependents, and survivors connect to the benefits they have earned.
